Campaigns & Events
Highlighted Campaigns

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Donation Call-to-Action
Party Campaign
Bangladesh Motherland Party (BMLP) is a landmark of political innovation in Bangladesh. You can join in different ways to explore your potential to help our country support the people of Bangladesh. We are inviting you to join our volunteering campaign opportunities in your areas of interest.
Become a Member: Members play an active role in the BMLP party by attending our party meeting and annual conference and receiving voting rights in party elections.
Social Media: Sharing BMLP party content on your social media is a great way of delivering a message of regret for why our party needs to win this election to your friends and family.
Meeting People: Speak to the general public, friends, relatives, colleagues, & neighbors about their opinion and suggestion that matters to them.
Call voters: You can call people to address their views on political candidate selection based on their values and preferences.
Display Posters: Display posters in designated areas or near your personal house or business put an enormous effect on our campaign.
Canvass: Speaking to people or voters on their doorstep to understand their thoughts and issues.
Leafleting: Sending out leaflets & letters from our local campaign groups to persuade people to vote for BMLP candidates.
Street Stall campaign: Volunteers can stand on a street stall or sign up around your local street.
Office Support: You can help our campaign offices work, from entering data and stuffing envelopes to making refreshments for volunteers.
Professional Expert: Specialist volunteering if you have professional knowledge, skills, and expertise to add value to our work.
Ambassador: Define objectives and identify contemporary public issues by providing clear resource guidelines to adeptly navigate social media, virtual meeting platforms, and all of the other tools.
Social Events
WIN2WIN Campaign: Party volunteers can organize or engage in healthy social events of arts and culture (exhibitions, paintings, plantations, etc.) or sports activities (such as walking, cycling, etc.). To connect with the local community and promote the BMLP vision & mission for a stronger future.